PhD (Islamic Finance) (INCIEF), MBA (Finance) (UiTM), BBA (UiTM), Diploma in Business Administration (UiTM)
Contact Information
Primary Email:
Office Phone:
09-668 8260
Office Address:
School of Finance and Banking
Faculty of Business and Management
Gong Badak Campus
Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin
21300 Kuala Nerus, Terengganu
Research Interest:
Finance, Islamic Finance
Journal Article
1. Evaluation of Monetary Policy: Evidence of The Role of Money from Malaysia (2019), Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, pp. 119-128, ISSN: 10629769 [Indexed by: ISI Main Author]
2. The Awareness of Business Zakat Reporting Among of Entrepreneur’sin Terengganu, Malaysia (2017), World Applied Sciences Journal, pp. 1864-1868, ISSN: 1818-4952 [Indexed by: ERA – Co-author]
3. Commodity Derivatives: Shariah Alternatives in Risk Management? (2017), International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, pp. 232-246, ISSN: 22226990 [Indexed by: ERA – Co-author]
4. Tanggapan Usahawan Terhadap Zakat Perniagaan Berbanding Cukai Pendapatan Perniagaan di Terengganu (2010), Jurnal Islam dan Masyarakat Kontemporari, pp. 97-113, ISSN: 2289-6325 [Indexed by: Other Index – Co-author]
1. Application of Theory, Methodology and Analysis in Conducting Research (2018), Penerbit UniSZA, ISBN: 9789672231110 – Co-author
Chapter in Book
1. Zakat dan Percukaian Dalam Kalangan Usahawan di Terengganu, Tadbir Urus Harta dan Kewangan Islam di Malaysia (2019), DBP, pp. 29-45, ISBN: 978-983-49-2260-3 – Co-author
2. Sales Contract in Islamic Finance: a Comparative Analysis, Transformation of Organisational Culture (2016), Penerbit UniSZA, pp. 61-75 , ISBN: 978-967-0899-40-4 – Main Author
3. Chapter 2:the Role of New Breed of Islamic Accountants in Relation to Islamic Institutions, Islamic Transactions and Practices in Finance, Accounting and Takaful (2015), Penerbit Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, pp. 31-46, ISBN: 978-967-0899-27-5 – Main Author
4. A New Approach to Monetary Policy Using Multi-Scale Evaluation and Its Applicability to Islamic Finance, Islamic Transactions and Finance: Principles and Developments (2013), Malaysian Current Law Journal (MCLJ) & International Institute of Advanced Islamic Studies (IAIS), pp. 415-430, ISBN: 978-967-0379-32-6 – Main Author
Principal Investigator
1. An Exploratory Study on The Adoption of a Shariah Compliant Stock Index Future in The Malaysia Capital Market, Geran Agensi Luar, International (2019), Grant Value: RM30,000
1. Penentuan Had Kifayah Asnaf Miskin, Geran Agensi Luar, Government (2018), Grant Value: RM39,500
2. The Mediating Effect of Icgpa Practices in The Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence and Teaching Performance in Higher Education, Geran Dalaman Universiti, University (2018), Grant Value: RM14,900
3. Modelling Time Varying Performance of Real Estate Investment Trusts (reits) in Malaysia, Geran Dalaman Universiti, University (2017), Grant Value: RM5,000
4. Constructing The Enviromental, Social and Shariah Governance (essg) Disclosures Index for Shariah-Compliant Ipo in Malaysia, Frgs, Government (2014), Grant Value: RM76,000
5. Pembinaan Model Kontrak Derivatif Patuh Syariah Sebagai Alat Lindung Nilai Dalam Institusi Kewangan Islam, Dana Pembudayaan Penyelidikan – Rags, Government (2014), Grant Value: RM40,000
6. A New Wealth Management Approach to Forecasting The Price of Gold, Dpu, Government (2013), Grant Value: RM5,000
7. Do The Steady State and Dynamic Model Exist in Constructing The Islamic Bank Margin, Frgs, Government (2011), Grant Value: RM30,000
1. FBK20103 – Islamic Financial Market and Institutions, SEM I 2020/2021,
2. FBF20603 – Islamic Capital Market, SEM I 2018/2019,
3. FBR30503 – Financial Risk Management, SEM II 2017/2018,
4. MIS4043 – Financial Risk Management, SEM II 2017/2018,
5. FBF30203 – International Trade and Finance, SEM I 2017/2018,
6. FBF30603 – Seminar in Islamic Finance @ Academic Project, SEM I 2017/2018,
7. MWS4083 – International Trade and Finance, SEM I 2017/2018,
8. MWS4103 – Seminar in Islamic F.@ Acad Project, SEM I 2017/2018,
9. MFS4043 – Financial Market and Institutions, SEM II 2016/2017,
10. FBF30503 – Islamic Financial Institutions and Market, SEM I 2016/2017,
11. MWS4173 – Islamic Fin.institutions & Market, SEM I 2016/2017,
12. MWS4123 – Islamic Capital Market, SEM II 2015/2016,
13. FBF10103 – Financial Management, SEM I 2015/2016,
14. MFS2083 – Investment, SEM I 2015/2016,
15. MFS4023 – Risk Management, SEM II 2014/2015,
16. MFS4033 – Advanced Financial Management, SEM II 2013/2014,
17. MFF3013 – Financial Management, SEM I 2013/2014,
18. MIS3033 – Risk Modeling Assessment & Mgmt., SEM I 2013/2014,
1. Johan (2020), Kejohanan Catur Maksak Terengganu, Majlis Kebajikan dan Sukan Kakitangan Kerajaan (maksak) Negeri Terengganu – Leader
2. Sijil Perkhidmatan Cemerlang 2018 (2018), Sijil Perkhidmatan Cemerlang 2018, Majlis Anugerah Kecemerlangan Staf Unisza – Leader
3. Silver Medal Unicel 2018 (2018), How to Accelerate Got: a Postgraduate Training Module for Higher Education 4.0, Unisza Carnival on E-Learning 2018 (unicel 2018), Univ Sultan Zainal Abidin – Member
4. Sijil Perkhidmatan Cemerlang 2015 (2015), Sijil Perkhidmatan Cemerlang 2015, Majlis Anugerah Kecemerlangan Staf Unisza – Leader