MBA (Marketing) (UPM), BBA (Marketing) (UiTM), Diploma in Business Studies (UiTM).
Contact Information
Primary Email:
Office Phone:
09-668 8232
Office Address:
School of Management Sciences
Faculty of Business and Management
Gong Badak Campus
Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin
21300 Kuala Nerus, Terengganu
Research Interest:
Marketing, Services Marketing, Entrepreneurship
Journal Article
1. Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth: The Role of Democracy (2019), International Journal of Economics and Management, pp. 481-493, ISSN: 1823836X [Indexed by: Scopus Main Author]
2. Relationship Marketing Practices and Effects on Marketing Effectiveness: an Empirical Insight from The Hotel Industry (2016), International Review of Management and Marketing, pp. 1026-1033, ISSN: 21464405 [P] [Indexed by: Scopus – Co-author]
3. Relationship Between E-Commerce Service Quality, Satisfaction, Trust and Customer Loyalty in The Hotel in The East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia (2015), International Business Management, pp. 405-411, ISSN: 1993-5250 [P] [Indexed by: Scopus – Co-author]
4. E-Commerce Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction, Belief and Loyalty: a Proposal (2015), Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, pp. 260-266, ISSN: 20399340 [Indexed by: Scopus – Co-author]
Chapter in Book
1. Relationship Marketing: Why Does it Matter to Marketing Effectiveness in The Hotel Industry?, Creating and Enhancing Service Organizations: Issues and Research Agenda in Malaysia (2016), Penerbit UniSZA, pp. 31-40, ISBN: 978-967-0899-34-3 – Co-author
1. Translasional Survival Siswapreneur B40, Geran Industri, Corporate (2020), Grant Value: RM200,000
2. Developing a Customer-Based Brand Equity and Brand Evangelism Model for Higher Education in Malaysia, Skim Geran Penyelidikan Fundamental – Frgs, Government (2015), Grant Value: RM70,000
3. Recovery Model of Education Plan Takaful, Research Acculturation Collaborative Effort -Race, Government (2015), Grant Value: RM50,000
4. How Perceived Market and Brand Orientation Influence Brand Evangelism in Higher Education? a Student-Perceived Paradigm Using a Pls Approach, Dana Pembudayaan Penyelidikan – Rags, Government (2015), Grant Value: RM45,000
5. Service Evaluation, Motivations, Tourist Satisfaction and Destination Loyalty Model., Frgs, Government (2013), Grant Value: RM102,530
6. Relationship Marketing in The Hotel Industry : an East Coast Study Using Partial Least Square (pls) Approach, Geran Dalaman Universiti, University (2013), Grant Value: RM8,600
7. Hubungan di Antara Kualiti Servis E-Dagang, Kepuasan, Kepercayaan, dan Kesetiaan Pelanggan di Dalam Industri Perhotelan Pantai Timur Semenanjung Malaysia, Rags, Government (2012), Grant Value: RM50,000
1. MSS11603 – Business Ethics, SEM I 2019/2020,
2. MSD10103 – Fundamental of Business, SEM PENDEK 2019/2020,
3. MSM20203 – Global Marketing, SEM I 2018/2019,
4. MSS12503 – Entrepreneurship and Smes Management, SEM PENDEK 2018/2019,
5. MMS4023 – Service Marketing, SEM II 2017/2018,
6. MSM20503 – Marketing Channels, SEM II 2017/2018,
7. MSM20603 – Advertising, SEM II 2017/2018,
8. MSS22303 – Service Marketing, SEM II 2017/2018,
9. MMS1043 – Consumer Behavior, SEM I 2017/2018,
10. MSM20303 – Consumer Behavior, SEM I 2017/2018,
11. MSM20403 – Sales Management, SEM I 2017/2018,
12. MST20203 – Management of Multinationals, SEM I 2017/2018,
13. MMS2063 – Marketing Channels, SEM II 2016/2017,
14. MMS2113 – Services Marketing, SEM II 2016/2017,
15. MMS1033 – Sales Management, SEM I 2016/2017,
16. MSS11403 – Principle of Marketing and Selling, SEM I 2016/2017,
17. MMS1053 – Global Marketing, SEM II 2014/2015,
18. MMS2073 – Advertising, SEM II 2014/2015,
19. MGF1033 – Islamic Business Ethics, SEM I 2014/2015,
20. MGF1013 – Fundamentals of Business, SEM I 2013/2014,
21. MNF3013 – Business Communication, SEM I 2013/2014,
22. DMF4013 – Product Marketing, SEM I 2011/2012,
23. MMF3013 – Principles of Marketing and Selling, SEM I 2011/2012,
24. MGF4053 – Business Ethics, SEM II 2010/2011,
25. MMS2053 – Principles of Marketing and Selling, SEM II 2010/2011,
26. MMS2083 – Marketing Research, SEM II 2010/2011,
27. MMF1023 – Business Communication, SEM I 2010/2011,
28. MTE2062 – Research Methodology, SEM I 2010/2011,