Today, we are faced with a constant stream of changes and challenges which affect the way government, the private sector, NGO’s as well individuals undertake tasks assigned to them. Producing well balanced graduates with appropriate knowledge, skills, competencies and the right behavioural attitude is a challenge for all universities.
Our mission at the Faculty of Business and Management (FBM) is to train exceptional public administrators, managers and leaders who can bring forth and be part of solutions for our nation. Our programmes set the standard for both their quality and breadth. Our curriculum is carefully blended mix of theory and practice giving a foundational knowledge based on each of the disciplines together with specialised skills. The curriculum aims at producing graduates with essential analytical and conceptual capacities.
The academic staff that run the various programmes have extensive theoretical and practical experience in their respective areas of specialisation. Students who have attended our programmes testify to the unique approach found in all our courses. Combining management and technology, the faculty has a significant impact throughout our society. The Faculty is continually evolving to meet the growing needs of students by creating new programmes. We build partners with those of similar mind and focus, and our network stretches across the globe.
I invite you to browse our website and learn more about the exciting learning opportunities offered at the faculty.
Best wishes.

Assoc. Prof. Dr Ahmad Azrin bin Adnan