1. Abstract must be in one paragraph only consisting of 250-500 words. Click the button below for abstract template.
  2. Abstract must be written in English and free of grammar mistake.
  3. A good abstract contains a background, problem statement, objective, novelty, benefits to society etc.
  4. The deadline of abstract submission is  on 12 November 2024.
  5. Templates of the abstract can be downloaded via the link below:


The instructions for the video  and video submission are:

  1. The duration of the video must not exceed 10 minutes. 
  2. Video may be presented using various method for example canva, powtoon, etc. 
  3. Presenter should add the following information at the beginning of the video;
    i. Title of the project
    ii. Name of the leader and team member(s)
  4. The content must include the problem, objectives, novelty of the invention, practicality, commercialization potential, sustainability, academic recognition, and other details that will enhance special features of the invention. 
  5.  Video must be uploaded in the YouTube channel. The title of the video must be clearly stated in the YouTube video description.  Please set the privacy setting to ‘UNLISTED’ if you want to restrict the audience to those who has the link only. 
  6. Submit your video link to the submission form in the ‘Submission’ section.  The deadline of Youtube video link submission is  on 2 December 2024.


In conjunction with the event, the organiser of INOVASI24 will publish a chapter in book. Participants are invited to submit a full paper of 6-10 pages describing your innovative project. The full paper must strictly follow the template below and contain abstract, introduction, novelty of the invention, practicality, commercialization potential, sustainability, conclusion & recommendation and reference. Figures or tables must not exceed 50 percent of the essay. The fee for the publication is USD11/RM50 per essay. However, USD3/RM15 is charged to an additional page (11th onwards). We highly encourage you to proofread the article before submitting it. 

Submit your full paper to the submission form in the ‘Submission’ section before or on 31 January 2025.  No submission is accepted after the deadline. The full paper template can accessed by clicking the link below.